Heaton Stannington Football Club is comprised of 4 limited companies.
Heaton Stannington Community Amateur Sports Club
Heaton Stannington Social Club
Heaton Stannington Seniors
Heaton Stannington Car Park
Heaton Stannington Social Club operates under a club licence certificate.
In order to comply with the rules of the club licence certificate, Heaton Stannington Social Club must operate a membership scheme for patrons who attend for social drinking purposes. Your membership subscription allows bar prices to be kept as low as possible and helps to pay for the general upkeep of the clubhouse facilities. Membership also allows free of charge booking of the club for private functions.
It is expected that all patrons who attend the club for social drinking, or regular events such as quiz nights, become Social Club members.
There is a single annual fee for all members. This is set at £10.
To fall in line with the football season and financial year, the subscription will run from 1st July until 30th June.
You can join or renew via the website heatonstan.co.uk.
Alternatively, you can complete an application/renewal envelope (with remittance) available from the clubhouse bar. Payment by cash or card.
Once processed membership cards will be made available from the clubhouse bar.
Sign up and support the Stan.
Reg Harris
Membership Secretary