Morning all.
Whilst you’re all awaiting the start of the big FA Cup game, just a few updates and reminders.
We are running a coach to the first teams game away at Carlisle City on the 13th. Seats are priced at £20 leaving at 12:00 and returning around 19:00.
This has always been a popular visit to a club we’ve built a good friendship with so we’re in single figures for seats left. Ensure you don’t miss out by booking your seat here.
Raffle supremo Kevin Mochrie has asked if anyone has any donations he can use as prizes for the match day raffles.
Ideally this would be a bottle of drink including any unwanted Xmas presents.
If you have anything please give to a committee member or hand into the bar labelled as a raffle donation.
Finally just a quick reminder that this coming Friday Brian Pratt will be hosting a supporters Q&A session with Dean Nicholson and Andy McBride, who will be joined Craig Scott and Leighton Hopper.
You can ask any question you like, though ones about Male Pattern Baldness would be frowned upon.
The club will open at 19:00 and everyone is welcome, so please do come down and put your questions to the lads.
That’s all for now, we’ll return later in the month with the monthly newsletter, unless someone asks me to send another comms out in the meantime, in which case just pretend you didn’t read this last bit.