Community Tickets

We pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive community Club. As part of our ongoing community engagement programme, we are pleased to be able to offer Community Tickets to our football matches.

Our Community Tickets allow one off free access to individual home league matches. Tickets can simply be handed to gateman to gain entry.

Community Ticket

The intention of these tickets is to make football at Grounsell Park accessible to everyone. Cost should not be a barrier to getting out, meeting people, enjoying sport and having a feeling of belonging. We understand there are a variety of reasons why someone may not be able to pay for entry on a match day.

Community Tickets are available to community groups, charities, local organisations or individual members of the community on a discretionary basis. All we ask if that this scheme is utilised in the spirit that it is intended – as a support mechanism.

If you think a Community Ticket could benefit you simply get in touch. Either e-mail us at or fill in the below form.

OUR PROMISE: All requests for Community Tickets are received and handled in the strictest confidence.

    The “small print”:

    • Tickets only valid for home league fixtures. They cannot be used for any cup or playoff fixtures.
    • Tickets are single use for an individual fixture.
    • All requests are handled in confidence.
    • We will issue single tickets to individuals and small batches of tickets to organisations.
    • We ask that tickets are requested and used in the spirit they are intended. Any abuse of this scheme could result in a permanent ban from Grounsell Park.
    • The issuing of Community Tickets are at our discretion.
    • We reserve the right to cancel any tickets issued if there is a reason to do so.